The psychological experiments on people always present ethical dilemmas. Many of them might be avoided. However, in some cases, it is not possible. One of such examples is the Bobo…
Though people live in the democratic society, men and women are still treated differently. The issue is especially significant when speaking about job because this difference is mostly seen at…
Undoubtedly, torture has a negative meaning and mostly evokes reproaches. At the same time, torture is an effective approach towards achieving positive results, especially in political or, rather to say,…
The question of human cloning arose after the first cloning of an animal, namely the sheep Dolly. Since that time, scholars and scientists became interested in cloning of people. Human…
Police scholars, nowadays, widely discuss the problem of American police brutality. They try to find the optimal methods and techniques for effective communication between police, criminals, and usual public.
There is no doubt that technological advancement has been gained in different fields, including medical, agricultural, education, transport, and marine research. Nowadays the same technology is catching up on modern…
Business activity is always fraught with a difficult choice. Firms must survive in the fierce competition. Entrepreneurs often resort to illegal activities in order to get more profit. Some experts…
Oil is one of the most valuable resources on earth. Most economies have been built using oil products. In the Middle East and some countries that are endowed with the…
The term self-focused or selfish has various definitions in ethics. However, one of the most common associations that exist in most minds is of an individual who thinks only about…
Unprecedented in its speed and scope, scientific and technological progress is one of the most obvious realities of the modern time. Technology enormously increases the productivity of social labor, expanding…