Modern day education ought to teach students on how to think in more abstract terms than it was when all systems were similar. However, the historical lie that success depends on scoring high GPAs in examinations, still looms in the minds of a majority of students in institutions of higher learning globally. For that reason, students are more than ready to do everything to make sure that they get good grades in their examinations. That can be termed as the ultra-modern reconstruction of education, and the learning process where effectiveness of learning institutions focuses of quantity instead of quality. However, Sadker and Sadker noted that it cannot be overemphasized that it is not only the learning that gets reconstructed but also intelligence. To be precise, the notion that one’s IQ can be improved through the learning process and that the ultimate indicators of a high IQ are good grades, has been the main cause of the plagiarism and cheating in education. To prove this statement this paper will focus on a critical review of the article Unraveling Plagiarism in China by Jasmin Ako and Multiple Intelligences and Emotional Intelligence by David Miller Sadker and Myra Pollack Sadker.
In the article Multiple Intelligences and Emotional Intelligence the authors focused on the analysis of the multiple intelligences theory by Howard Gardner and the theory of emotional intelligence as explained by Daniel Goleman. In a bigger perspective, the article is representative of research studies conducted to demystify the historical belief concerning intelligence. In the multiple intelligences theory, Howard lists eight categories intelligence to which he explains that the human intelligence quotient can vary across the board as one may have one form of intelligence, such as interpersonal intelligence, and be deficient in another, such as intrapersonal intelligence. Though the list is bound to expand due to continued research, the intelligences highlighted by Howard have been part and parcel in the organization of syllabi in institutions of learning. The article Unraveling Plagiarism in China presents one of the most worrying cases of dishonesty in the system of education in China. The article unravels the story of deeply rooted culture of impunity and deceit fronted in an economy that prides itself over a world class but per se, the case is representative of similar trends in many other parts of the world.
The misconception associating success with good grades accounts for the widely spread cases of plagiarism not only in China, but also in other parts of the world. The modern system of education acquits success only to those who pass their exams while those who flank in class appear to be having a similar destiny with failure. However, Howard reveals that though one may be weak in one area, they may have an upper hand in another kind of intelligence. However, the system of education leaves no room for other intelligences other than the famous logical intelligence. This instills fear of failure in the students and so as to escape that, the students opt for shortcuts in life which involve plagiarizing their work as long as they score a good grade. In so doing, the system of education overshadows the initial essence of education as defined in the acquisition skills and quality learning and in its place students are turned into rote memorizers. Those who cannot memorize resort to spending fortunes to gain access to examination answers while cutting and pasting information from journals and other sources in fulfillment of their course requirements.
In conclusion, global systems of education have been greatly polarized by cases of deceit and plagiarism. The case of rampant plagiarism in China gives a general mess worldwide and results from the misconception of the relationship between success and getting good grades in examinations. However, Howard outlined the various types of intelligences in his theory of multiple intelligences. The information from the ongoing research by Howard can be used by educational institutions to help understand the various aspects of strengths in students thus aiding in reducing case of plagiarism and deceit in the education system. This will also help in transforming the global education system to a quality based system aimed at instilling skills in the learners.