The name Mexico came into existence because it was derived from a Latin word Mexica a name that was given to a native group of locals who were living in central Mexico around the fourteenth century.
The people of Mexico have their own culture tradition, mode of dressing, the type of food they eat, and religious beliefs.
This culture can only be understood if one has the privilege to meet a native from one of the community. The Mayan descendants for example are very kind and friendly and willing to provide any information that one may require in regards to their culture and beliefs.
In most parts of Mexico the religious background that most of the occupants identify themselves with is the Roman Catholic Church. Their firm religious believes are symbolized by a national logo called the Virgin of Guadalupe which of great importance to the Mexicans. It is one of the greatly treasured Mexican national cultures and it illustrates how deeply the Roman Catholic religion is rooted in their hearts. It is the modern version of the Virgin Mary from the Holly Bible. The Virgin Mary is believed to have appeared to a young man called Juan Diego who was a native. On the 12th of December 1531 he was stopped by the Virgin Mary who appeared in the form of a young dark woman with black hair who looked just the young women from their country. Juan was then ordered by the young woman to go to the bishop and tell him to build a church at a hill called Tepeyac.The bishop refused to believe this news and instead ignored the young man’s’ message. Once again the virgin appeared before Juan Diego and asked to go and collect flowers from the hill Juan saw this as impossible because it was that time of the year when there are no flowers he however, went to the hill and to his surprise he found very pretty flowers and took them to the bishop using his coat. The bishop was amazed by the beautiful flowers and was even more shocked when he saw a clear outline of the Virgin Mary on Jeans coat. The bishop then built the Basilica of the Virgin of Guadalupe on the Tepeya hills just as Juan had been instructed by the virgin when she had appeared before him for the first time. This day is of great importance to the people of Mexico always commemorating it on the 12th of December every year. The ceremony is called the Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe.
The image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is very important to the Mexican people and her images was used in the struggle for freedom from the Spanish in the year 1821 but were attacked by the French again a few years later. Building the nation has not been an easy task but despite the difficulties that they faced they managed to come up with national symbols and national holidays to remind them of the various events that have occurred in their country. Some of the national holidays celebrated yearly are the new years day or the Ano Nuevo celebrated on the 1st January, the feast of San Antonio which the Roman Church go for blessings on the 17th of January, on the 2nd of February they celebrate the Dia de la Canderelaria that is marked with a lot of dancing bull fighting burning of candles and seeds.
The Carnaval holiday marks the time before the beginning of the Catholic religion and takes place for five days from 3rd-8th of February.5th February marks the day they made their own constitution. The Flag Day is celebrated on the 24th to honor its national flag. March 21 is the day that Benito Juarez who was a famous president was born. Mothers’ day is celebrated on May 10th as the Mexican people see the mothers as very important people in the society. The Fiesta of Saint Peter and Paul is celebrated on the 29th of June. This is followed by The Yearly state Union where the president gives an autumn speech on 1st September and shortly afterwards the Mexicans celebrate their day of independence from the Spanish rule on September 16.They do not forget to celebrate their origin and emergence of the Mexican race which is celebrate as the Dia de la Raza on the12th of October.1st&2nd are the days when the Mexican people celebrate the day of the Dead which marks the pre Columbian beliefs and Catholicism. Revolution day is also celebrated on the 20th November to remind themselves of the revolution date in 1910. Christmas day is called the Navidad. One is surprised at the number of national holidays that this country has in its calendar but you will always hear the same response that they value every little detail of their history and shows this by marking them as national holidays.
The Virgin of Guadalupe is viewed by many as the mother of the nation and is a national distinction as its dark skin symbolizes the unity among the Meso-Americans and the Europeans to form a united country.
Mexico has some great legends that they value a lot. The legends include a weeping woman or “La llarona” which talks about this woman who is still crying for the loss of her son. Another legend is the legend of the Holy woods of Chapultepec where men from Aztecs had idols of themselves made so that they would be immortal. The most important and most popular legend is the legend of two gods. One was a good spirit while the other was a bad spirit. The good spirit who was called Quetzalcoatl went tosearch for bones to use in creating mankind in a place called “the region of the dead” which the natives call the Mictlan Mexican legends are quite famous too, like the legend of “La llorona” (“the weeping woman”), a woman whose spirit still cries for her lost son, or the legends of the Sacred woods of Chapultepec, where Aztecs emperors had their effigies sculpted in order to achieve immortality. But maybe one of the most important legends present in Mexican culture is the legend of the god named,but the evil god whose name was Mictlantecutli tries using all means to stop him but he is assisted by his holy bees and worms and he finally found the bones. He then created the human beings and put them in the world.
Language is the most important aspect in life for anything to go on. Mexico has one national language which was acquired from their colonizers the Spanish. Even though there are many native languages like the Nahuatl which is the commonly spoken native language and is followed by the Maya language. However, around 100 native languages are still spoken by the locals. These languages include Mixteco and the Zapoteco which is spoken by less than seven percent of the country’s population. These native languages are spiced by the use of Mexican sayings and proverbs.
Traditional clothes are still worn in most parts of Mexico, some of the clothes are: the traditional wedding gown worn by the bride on her wedding day to symbolize purity and innocence, the shirts and dresses worn by peasants, Rebozo, the Baja coat, the Somber and the Poncho. These clothes have played a huge part in keeping the Culture intact.
The family is the most important institution in the social set up. Mexicans value their families the father is the provider and has the duty of taking care of the family. The mother takes care of the kids and prepares the meals. The secrets of preparing delicious foods are passed from mother to daughter from generation to generation. This is why Mexico is one of the countries with the best foods in the world. The commonly consumed foods are Tamales, Barbacoa, beef, banana dishes, turtle stew and mole Poblano.